SSS Gears – Self-engaging synchronous clutch

SSS Gears is the world’s leading and unrivalled manufacturer of synchronous clutches (SSS Clutch) that automatically connect and disconnect drives for generators, compressors, pumps and heavy-duty fans in power plants and refineries.

Marine propulsion drives equipped with SSS clutches connect safely to propellers on warships, fast ferries, yachts and container ships around the world.

SSS synchronous clutches are industry standard equipment for starting and rotating drives in gas turbines, steam turbines, compressors and generators.

For more than 60 years, the SSS clutch product range has been providing you with maximum operational availability, flexibility and cost-effectiveness for your valuable production and energy recovery machinery.

Principal's website

SSS Gears synchronous clutches are used on over 350 military vessels and over 100 container and bulk carriers.